Main Character- Anna


Others -Olaf


Main trailer(Korean)
Main trailer(English)
Now,let's have a quick (or is it?) summary of this movie.
Elsa is bewitched, and has special powers of freezing everything. One day, Elsa and Elsa's sister Anna was playing with Elsa's freezing power, and Elsa accidentally struck her ice to Anna's head.

So the king and queen who are Elsa's father and mother took Anna to the trolls. But, they erased Anna's memory of Elsa's power, and the king and queen locked Elsa in her room, so that nobody knows about Elsa's power.

When Elsa and Anna were both grown,-well...not grown ups-they had a coronation, and Anna fell in love in one day with prince Hans which she believed was true love, and asked Elsa for her blessing, but Elsa refused. So, Anna pulled one of Elsa's gloves off. To hide her power, Elsa walked quickly away, when Anna said something that made Elsa let her power shown by others.

Having fear, Elsa accidentally froze the whole kingdom, and went to the cold, cold North mountains.

Feeling sorry, Anna decided to find Elsa. She kept prince Hans in charge. On her way, she met Kristoff, an ordinary person who lived by selling ice. Hearing that Kristoff knows the way to the North Mountain, Anna gave him a reward for making him as her guide to the mountain.

Anna met Elsa, but Elsa didn't want to go to the kingdom again, because she didn't want to hurt Anna again. But Anna kept making Elsa annoyed, so without looking, she struck her ice to Anna, but this time, the ice struck Anna's heart. From then, Anna's body became freezing, and Elsa didn't know that. So, Elsa kicked Anna and Kristoff away. Kristoff found out that Elsa was freezing, so he took her to his family(?) trolls. (Just for you to know, Kristoff wasn't born from trolls, just raised by them.) The trolls told them that to unfreeze Anna, she should do an act of true love. So, Kristoff took Anna to Hans, but Hans betrayed Anna. He said the he only acted as if it was true love for his power.

Fortunately, Elsa escaped, but Hans caught her, and tried to kill her. At the same moment, Anna escaped and was running to Kristoff, who she thought was her true love. But when Anna saw her sister, she went straight in front of Elsa, at the moment when Anna was freezing completely.

Beyond everyone's expectations, when Elsa cried hugging the frozen Anna, Anna started to melt and so did Arandale's weseltown. So Hans was punished. And like every other Disney movie, 'frozen' has a happy ending

My point:★★★★☆
My opinion: Anna was put into a situation where she had to decide between her self, or her sister, Elsa. Anna chose her sister, but if that was me, I wouldn't have had the spirit and courage. I would have just done nothing-not being able to decide where to go.
Good: It's story was fun, and had a moral lesson. And the graphic(quality) was very good, so it was easy to concentrate on the movie. I don't know how the time ran.
Bad: It has the same plot as anything else. It's too similar to other animations. The same pattern:happy start, some mistake happens, villain appears, main characters get rid of villains, and a happy ending. Everything was so ideal, except for the last part. I thought that Kristoff will come running and will become a happy ending, but instead, Elsa appeared. I didn't expect that at all.
If I could change some part, I wish there was a kind of reverse happening somewhere. Something that nobody has expected. That would be much more exciting.
Now, what lessons can be learned?
First I want to say that even handsome people can be bad, cruel, or mean like Hans
Second, your true love may not be romantic, but also can be your family members.
Third, never believe someone who you just met.
If you ask me, if I like this film or dislike it, I'll say that I like this film. I recommend seeing it. Thank you for reading my post. Bye~

Wow, what a detailed review! Good work. My only suggestion would be to think about how to format it so it will be easier to read. Ex: less pictures, or more organized pictures and paragraphs.
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wow this is fantastic movie review!
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